
Showing posts from September, 2019


Today in Mr.Rease class we read a short story named the yellow wallpaper. We also took alot of notes.

The end of Macbeth

Today in Mr.Rease class we finally finished Macbeth today. After that Mr.Rease told us to pick a year and each year has a question. We got 2016 so we had to analyze the motives for the character we picked deception and discuss how the deception contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole.

Yesterday 9/18

In Mr.Rease class we broke into groups to make our own Macbeth script. Mine was what if macbeth's guards found out about lady macbeth's and Macbeth's plan.


In Mr.Rease class 9/16 we read scene 7 of macbeth and looked at our rubric.

Homework over the weekend.l

Friday Mr.Rease gave us a worksheet to work on in class and over the weekend. Most of the class went to the library to listen to Coastal Community College speaker talk to us about choosing Costal to go to school.


In Mr.Rease class we read the book Macbeth all the way to scene 5. While we read along we took note on the book.


Today in Mr.Rease class we discussed what does it mean to be an American. We disscued what is patriot and hero. We also shared some of our American heros we honor. We talked about 9/11 a tragic attack in 2001 on this day in New York. I learned the cause of this attack was set up by Osama Bin Laden.

I wish i had the chance to say goodbye

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye I was woken up without a clue Its seems as if they were about to cry Oh I hope it wasn't you The house was quiet and very empty I wonder where you are You never left the house without me I hope you are not far My heart and soul was broke a little And I prayed you were ok We finally arrived to the hospital I hope it wasn't the day They told me I was too young to go in All of a sudden your life came to a end

My Sonnet

This sonnet means alot to me. It summarizes my grandmothers death. It was hard writing it but i had to write it one last time. This is how it happened..


In Mr.Rease class we worked on how to do poems abab cdcd efef and gg. We also had to include a unstressed and stressed pattern.

Test day

On Friday in Mr.Rease class we took a test based on the poems we read in class.