
Showing posts from November, 2019

celie and shug

Today we read "The Color Purple", then we make a claim about shug and celie. 

still doing the packet even with a sub

Today Mr.Rease was absent; we was still left with the packet to complete.

being the character

In Mr.Rease class we picked a character and did a STEAL chart on it. Then we wrote a letter explain how the character would have written to God like Celie did. At the end we continued to read the book.          My Letter Dear God,  Me and Harpo gotta child now and we married too. We also livin with my susta and ha husband. Everything goin good til Celie come round. I cant believe she toll Harpo to beat me, and he tried. I fought with all my strength. I wont never let a man beat me without putting up a fight. And as for Celie, better mind her business and Harpo mind me or I put him out. 

reading our class nonsense thesis and claims

Today in mr. Rease class we started off by reading our classes thesis statements and claims. We also began working on our packet then we read the book.

the thick packet

To start off class Mr.Rease passed out a thick packet containing to the book. After we got the packet we answered questions 3-10. Then we read letter 14-22

how i feel

Today Mr.Rease class we started on The Color Purple. Then we had to write our response to the letters.

difficult book work

Today in Mr.Rease class we did book work based on the 3 poems we read Friday.

little class

Today in Mr.Rease class it was a small class and we analyzed 3 poems

finish explaining

Today in Mr.Rease we finsh explaining our poem meaning in groups.

another poem... new group

In Mr.Rease class we got in groups. We received a poem and had to break down the poem and was givin our own stanza per group. Then we explained to the class what our stanza and the overall poem was about.

prank 🤦🏼

Yesterday we read the poem you're by Sylvia Plath. Then Mr.Rease make us take a fake pop quiz and said it was a joke.


Monday in mr. Rease class we wrote a poem about any non-living object then recited it.