
Showing posts from January, 2020

poem explication


more poems

Today in Mr.Rease class we recieved a poem by Maya Angelou titled "Still I Rise". In this poem we analyzed how Maya spoke on society itself and the rudeness and bumps in the road it bring. While reading this poem we took notes on what each line ment. Then after class we choose a Maya Angelou poem to memorize and present in front of the class. This poem 100% describes me because when i feel that bad times and struggles are coming my way i feel strong enough to put them to the side and continue my way. 

maya angelou

Today in Mr.Rease class we recieved a packet of poems all by Maya Angelou. We read two poems out the packet. The first poem we read was titled "The Mothering Blackness". In the poem "The Mothering Blackness" we discussed and analyzed what the poem was meant. We asked questions such as who is she and who is ahe running from? To close out this poem and move on to the next poem we decided to do 3 themes one for the mother, one for the daughter, and one for the home. The next poem by Maya was titled "The Black Family Pledge". In this poem we read that the black generation should be untied as one and shouldnt turn on each other up. As key notes in class we made a T chart on the positives and negatives of the black generation. 

a new poem

Today in Mr.Rease class we started off by writing 10 songs that make us feel a certain type of way and why it made us feel this way. Then we shared them with the class. After that we read a new poem called "Cruzing With The Beach Boys". This poem was about a boy listening to a song by the group Beach Boy and how it brought brought back so many memories of regret and sadness. After we read the poem Mr.Rease made us make a theme, find literary devices, and how it is effective. We shared that as well and thats all for today.


Today Mr.Rease wasnt there but i still managed to do my work.

when groups again actually save my life.

Today in Mr.Rease class we got another practice test. After we took the test Mr.Rease put us in groups. Heres where it gets good, together as a group we discussed the same test and together as a group we get that grade. So everyones group got a A. To end class Mr.Rease let us have the rest of the class off. 

groups again

Today in Mr.Rease we started off by getting in groups. Then we received a packet and assigned two numbers to do. We each discussed within our groups how we can answer the question honestly and in our own words. After we finished we discussed as a class our answers and why we chose that answer. To end class of we drew a cluster with the topic why is the love for money the root of all evil. 


Today in Mr.Rease class we got into groups and answered some of the questions that the groups created. Then we discussed which group's answer was the correct answer. 

the pardoner test

Today in mr.rease class we took the pardoner test. Majority of the class passed i am not one of the people who did. 😒 then we went over the test scores and looked over what we did. After Mr. Rease assigned us to groups and my group had to write a comprehensive question relatiing to the story.

the pardoner tale

Today in Mr.Rease class we started off the lesson with defining evil and giving an action of evil. Then we wrote down bible verses that would be useful through the moral of the story. While reading "The Pardoner Tale" we took notes and discussed the things going on in the story. We see that there were some men hanging around at 9:00 when they seen a funeral going by. Later after the sight of the funeral the men decided to find death. In class we learned the ways to seeking death are speaking into existence, being involved in dangerous activities, and being careless. You may think these men found death but instead they found money. The men all plotted to kill each other including a young boy to get the money. At the end the men died and no one recieved the money. Moral: When dealing with money and sinful people no one is to be trusted.

new year new work 🙄

To start off the year we talked about what we learned last year and what we want ro achieve this year. Then we watched how to finish high school. And did notes on the video

geting into the story

Today in Mr.Rease class we reviewed a power point based on the new book we are about to read titled "Canterbury Tales" and a story from it titled "The Wife of Bath Tale". We recently recived a chart discussing the charatcers in the book which we filled out throughout the power point. After the powerpoint we got into tbe book starting with "A Knight's Tale." In which we read thats the knight was accused of rapping a maiden and sentenced to death. Not allowing the death the queen decided to give the knight a year to find the answer to her question, What is the thing woman desire? The knight failed to get the answer until he met a wise woman on the last day of his deal. The wise woman told him she would tell him if only he do what she say next. The knight agreed and gather the answer. Woman want to be in control he told the queen.... To be continued