
Showing posts from February, 2020


In chapter 8, Amir has been ashamed to even speak on what he allowed to happen to Hassan. He didnt even want to tell anyone even when he asked for him himself. Baba and Ali wondered what was wrong with Hassan but Amir continued to lie. Baba and Amir were going to Jalalabad 

the kite runner

Today we were told to read chapters 2 and 3. Hassan, who was born in winter 1964 and the speaker were to annoying kids who enjoyed making living for people a pain. The speaker describes the house his father owns which is a really huge house. In chapter 2 the speaker mentions that his mother dies giving birth to him. Then there was a man introduced named Ali which all young kids feared but not the big kids. Ali was man married to 1st cousin Sanaubar. Sanaubar was a no good wife. She bullied Ali along with the big kids saying he is a no good husband and she seen animals better than him. Come to realize Hassan is the son of Ali and Sanaubar. Sanaubar disliked her son. She laughed at him and compared him to Ali. She then left. In chapter 3 the speaker speaks so highly of his father and how strong and independent he is. The speaker adored his father so much he was selfish with him. Many people tried to tell his father how to live his life but the strong man continued on his own.

Suprise!!!! new book

Today we finished presenting the projects. Then we got in groups of 5 with 4 people. Each group was assigned a different topic based on Afghanistan. 🇦🇫 My groups topic was food. My group broke up different types of food such as i did traditional food, one did desserts and the other did street food. While listing these foods we recieved a book titled "The Kite Runner". We were assigned to read the back cover and the authors biography. 


Today was presenting day, and of course i slipped up because when it come to remembering and public speaking i slip and get nervous and mess up. Mainly i forget. When i got up there i knew the poem i knew it. Its was just so nervous going up there. I completely froze. I still recited ok but not the best. 

The Mother and Son Relationship

Todays lesson was on 2 poems "Son to Mother" and "Mother to Son". In "Son to Mother" it discusses how society feels towards a mother about her raising her son. The son doesnt allow them to speak badly about his mother and wish to take matters into his own hands. He then ask his mother what do you want me to do before i decide. In "Mother to Son" the mother tells her son that her life has not been a crystal stair. Meaning all the best and golden as you wish. Even though it hasnt been perfect she didnt allow that to stop her for striving more. She informs her son to not give up and to continue to move forward. After reading we discussed and took notes on the 2 poems. Then we got our assignment of writing 2 claims about both poems for the mother and son. Then one literary device about the poems. Finally a letter to our mother of what we would like to say or ask her. 

Score for a 5 or above

Today we took out our poem "The Myth of Music" and finished our essays'. After we finished our essays', we recieved a packet of essays. We read the essays in the packet and graded them from a 0-9. After we read the essays we graded our classmates poem from 0-9. Not everyone did a good essay but there was one 7. This means i need to improve my skills on writing about thesis and literary devices. Soon i will have at least a 5 or above. If i just continue to practice my writing skills.

What words offend you?

Today to start of class we answered Mr.Rease's question, what word offends you, how does it make you feel and why does it make you feel this way? Well today we discussed the history of the "N" word, yes nigger or nigga. This word has numerous meanings that never thought it would have. I never noticed the power this word had behind it, but you'd be surprised. After this discussion we recieved a poem titled "Incident" by Countee Cullen. This poem discusses a woman who was riding around Baltimore when she say a Baltimore resident. Her intentions were to go up and be friendly and smile. When she did he stuck out his tounge and called her a nigger. Out of all the things she seen in the Baltimore from her stay from May to December the fact that she was called a nigger never left her mind.

the myth of music

Today in Mr.Rease class we answered a few questions from the smartboard about music. When did i first realize music, Do i listen to the same as my parents and why, what song reminds us of a certain memory? Then we recieved a poem titled "The Myth Of Music". In this poem it discusses a girl who expresses how music makes her feel and all the memories it brings to her. While reading this peom we highlighted key notes. In this peom we found imagery, similies, personification, and metaphors. Everyone in the class shared their message with the class. After reading the poem we read the promt and asnswered majority of the questions it asked us.